Bible Read-a-Thon 2023

Saturday, January 7th, 2023   |   Kansas State Capitol

The Bible Read-a-Thon for 2023 was beautifully attended by over 240 believers. As children, families and all believers gathered in the Rotunda of the Kansas Capitol we are grateful for the faith that was present as we all released the Holy Word of God throughout our capitol.

Bonnie who works tirelessly to increase prayer in Kansas is connected with two women who traveled the entire nation to every capitol over two years. They heard about what was being released in Kansas and had a desire to invite all states to read with Kansas, being the heart of the nation. Therefore, on January 7th, at 12:30 CST 35 states and 5 countries joined Kansas in reading God’s Word out loud. This has inspired Culture Shield to increase our reach across the nation and encourage every state to release God’s Word.